The 2010 big game application season is in full swing in some states while in others it has reached it's conclusion. I went and got myself in a bit of a logistics pickle this year so my approach to application season has changed. It's changed primarily because the construction company I work for transferred me to the Midwest in January. With that said, following is my strategy for 2009:
I purchased deer and elk points only this year. I have no chance at drawing tags in the units I'd like to hunt so, points is enough for 2010.
Since hunting my "home" state will require traveling to it this year, I have decided that I will apply for "premium" hunts that have slim draw odds. I've also changed my approach because 2010 is a "family hunt" year which means I will be applying (as a party, with my dad and uncle) in Montana.
Typically in Nevada I would apply for archery tags for deer and antelope and rifle hunts for cow elk, all bighorn sheep, and mountain goats. I drew an antelope tag and killed a buck last year, therefore I am ineligible to apply for antelope until 2015.
This year I will apply for an archery bull elk tag, any weapon deer tag, all species of sheep, and mountain goats. In essence my goal is not to draw in Nevada this year so I can focus on the hunt with my dad and uncle.
Pops, uncle Jerry and I applied in the big game drawing for the general season deer/elk combo. If successful in drawing the combo we will apply for special elk permits in areas I know to hold good numbers of elk. I also purchased four chances for the elk Super Tag in Montana. If we fail to draw the big game combo we may buy 900 series (multi-region archery) antelope tags or...head to Idaho for a combo deer/elk hunt.
I love hunting Idaho. Sure, the quality of the animals is down but, if you work hard enough you can still find some good deer and elk in The Gem State. My typical procedure in Idaho is to apply for the controlled hunts first and consider OTC tags second. Idaho will be the "go to" state for my dad, uncle and I should we fail to draw the combo in Montana.
Kentucky? Who hunts in Kentucky? I do. I have family there, so I'm going to hunt there again this year. I have not hunted the farm country since 2005 and I'm looking forward to being back there. Kentucky is home to some of the biggest whitetails I have ever encountered and, best of all, tags are available OTC...and they are cheap!
Having grown up in the Northwoods - and now being within a five hour drive of the property we own there - it's time to hit the trees again! Archery season opens the 2nd week of September and runs into the first week of January. I'll get there as many weekends as I can.
As I mentioned above, the ultimate goal for 2010 is to hunt with my dad and uncle in Montana (or Idaho). Hunts in Wisconsin and Kentucky will be scheduled around that trip (if we draw tags). I'm really hoping not to draw in Nevada this year because I don't want to be in a situation where that takes away from the hunt with my family.
Regardless of how things shake out this year I'm looking forward to a fun season. I wish you all the same!
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